Posted by Gadis on 10:04 PM

The main features of the synchronization of the Forex market, are as follows:
  • Forex is 24 hour market – It starts from Sunday 5pm EST through Friday 4pm EST. Rollover at 5pm EST
  • Forex Trading begins in New Zealand, followed by Australia, Asia, the Middle East, Europe, and America
  • The US & UK account for more than 50% of the market transactions
  • Forex Major markets: London, New York, Tokyo
  • Nearly two-thirds of NY activity occurs in the morning hours while European markets are open.
  • Forex Trading activity is heaviest when major markets overlap.
It is the distribution of market OPEN Times for your reference:
  • New York Market trade times: 8am-4pm EST
  • London Market trade times: 2am-12Noon EST
  • Great Britain Market trade times: 3am-11am EST
  • Tokyo Market trade times: 8pm-4am EST
  • Australia Market trade times: 7pm-3am EST
If you want to find a great number of beneficial exchanges, focus on overtime, if the markets tend to their biggest moves, ie, in these major markets overlap, which consequently In general, the best Trade Times.